Miss Rose Love Really Is...

Monday, March 4, 2013

Honestly...Will People Change?

Honestly, the wicked come in many forms, in wolf form too. You must be wise to survive a wolf, because they are in sheep's clothing and know the Word of God better than the average sheep. For me I have always been an underachieving sheep. Quietly making a way through a maze of rhetoric and evil. It is wonderful to say that God, always has my back, because He always has my heart. Although we try to make room for others in our hearts sometimes a great lack of understanding rises. Especially when the realization strikes them; knowing that no matter how close and how hard a person tries and struggles, that person can only be second in your life, maybe they can achieve side by side where you have our Dearheart. But, a dearheart cannot be a head over Him. This policy was written before time itself and will never change for anyone.
As we attempt to blend into this world we will always stand out. Each of us is an outstanding, stunning, extraordinary achiever in all of our own areas. Regardless of how life appears or how our lives appears to others we cannot know how Dearheart may work at all times. Wish we could but, we cannot know these matters. Some will see how He works in a life, although he may not always work the same way every time. As I sit here typing, I know that I am getting ready for another shock of a lifetime. Just that feeling is with me and has been for several days. Being prepared spiritually is a must because we never know exactly what is coming and how evil may manifest itself. All you can do is stand on the promises and hope and pray for the absolution from God who is always on His spot through our Advocate.
Quietly, I await a second chance in my own life for a happy resolve. Unknowing if that is His will or not? Of course, I should know His opinions on most circumstances in life and I do. But, there are always meddlers who believe they know better than God. Some do not even believe in God but they have control issues of their own to deal with. Many give lip service to God and have a blanket judgments of how everything should be! Me, I do not hear so well, my opinion is let God be God, extend mercy if you can and let His grace do the rest. Being a selfish person myself I never felt God's grace to be sufficient for me. Deliberately I live in the hustle and bustle of cities and dwell where there are frequently masses of people, knowing many can hear much better than me!
Many will say there is not a compromise, no mercy, no forgiveness, a very stiff-necked crew. Does it matter who says the words? As long as they are said, can it mean that you are as committed as an agreement can allow in this day and age?
Having lived in God's mercy many years of my life such as it is...I have always found forgiveness and have forgiven others no matter what? You will find that others will try to remind you of what you have forgiven and will have an entire story about a matter that is not even the truth. Regardless deeply inside you will know what was true, and you know not to get drawn into a situation you know you cannot handle anymore. Sorry to inform you, we just age. Age to the point of accepting our limitations; knowing we cannot control other peoples lives, no matter what the general consensus's might be. That is where we should be. If we work on ourselves, there is no time to raise and stir mess that is usually not our place. Lies are just that politics are just the aforementioned. You cannot plan a life around that life. Too many changes all things are temporary and temporal.
An age old standby is to change what you know you can make better. With cooperation many situations can get so much better, you cannot change some else's opinion on matters they believe they are expert in. Regardless of all individual circumstances are just that individual stances. You however are not allowed to vent safely even to your own best friend, but they can vent and of course you will forgive and forget. Extended families are just that, family friends are just that. They are not to be in your immediate family business, should they run around and make sure everyone's history lines up with whom they believe you belong with or without. This part of life is between the immediately few and God. (Unless there is life threatening evidence of abuse, murder, disappearances. Share with only that potential victim and the potentially harmful person together! Honesty!) Not an entire gossip throw it all out there kind of way. If you can't hold water then step down, get out of the way. God will put someone there who can hold water.
Lastly, people do change drastically over time. God forgives all, should we all try? Honestly one out of three people have some issue diagnosed, just imagine how many others do not and are not labeled. It is just that simple, because you  yourself are not completely normal. Some people are a recovering this or recovering that: some people never even think they are in need of recovering from anything. Life is perfect, one day at a time, by the way good luck with that. I know, one is a very lonely number, unless you have Him, but for some of us that is still unacceptable because people all know ourselves, and people yearn for those people seemingly that people can never have. After all there is free will. All people can change by will.


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